The Town's irrigation system is a separate non-potable system, with separate valves and mains than the Town's freshwater system. The irrigation season is roughly from May 1st to October 1st of each year. The Town budget-bills monthly year-round, however. Odd numbered addresses may use irrigation water 30 minutes per zone on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. Even numbered addresses may use irrigation water 30 minutes per zone on Saturday, Monday and Wednesday. Only the Town of Silt can use irrigation water on Friday, for Town facilities, parks and/or open space, and to help fill the irrigation tanks for the weekend. Stoney Ridge Planned Unit Development is not on the Town's system, and therefore is not subject to the Town's watering restrictions. Each lot may only irrigation up to 3,500 square feet by sprinkler and up to 50 trees/shrubs by drip irrigation system. No cross-connection of potable to a sprinkler system is allowed without special permission by the Town and an annual inspection. Cross-connection of a potable water source to a sprinkler system can result in contamination of the Town's entire water system and can make people ill.